Ласкаво просимо до міста Елен

Для більшої родинної дружелюбності в Саксонії

◀ Повернення

Консультування > Міграційне консультування

Independent Refugee Advice Office at the Citizen's Centre Schuhfabrik (BÜZ)

The Refugee Advice Office provides advice in all kinds of situations. For instance, you can find support here whenever you need to deal with public authorities or if you have questions about your asylum procedure. For instance, they can help you preparing for your interview (Anhörung) at the BAMF or in finding a lawyer. The Refugee Advice Office can also advise you concerning the recognition of your foreign diploma or in applying for a working permit or they can provide information regarding social benefits. The Refugee Advice Offices are often connected to a whole web of support measures, advice offices or administrative bodies. If they cannot help you with your problem themselves, they can usually tell you where else to go and find support. Therefore, please do not hesitate to approach them with your individual questions. The Refugee Advice Office provides its services to everyone independently of religion, race, origin, gender, age, social or cultural background, country of origin, disability or sexual orientation.

Königstr. 7
59227 Ahlen
+49 2382 5280

Wed: 10:00 - 12:00, 14:00 - 16:00 Thu: 15:00 - 18:00 Individual appoints are possible.